Seed treatment on kohlrabi

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Seed treatment on kohlrabi

Post by Mark »


SF Müller; PA Favorito

ABSTRACT: Homeopathy has the ability to provide the balance of organisms, as well as increased physiological activity. Seed germination is one of the greatest periods of activity and enzymatic changes during the life of a plant. Thus homeopathic treatment in this phase can profoundly influence the entire development of the plant. The objective was to evaluate the effect on emergence of seeds White Kohlrabi referred to the seed treatment with Arnica, Calcarea carbonica, Carbo vegetabilis, Ferrum metallicum, Kali carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Staphysagria 12CH all in, but water distilled and water-alcohol solution in 30%. The experiment was conducted in trays of 288 cells, each treatment consisting of 48 cells.

The seeds remained for 1 minute in a solution of water treatment (1000 ml/1ml), and after been dried on paper towels. Evaluations started at 8 days after sowing and lasted for 4 more days. It was considered that emerged seedling with cotyledons fully opened. We calculated the daily germination percentage and emergence rate index - IVE. We observed that treatment with Staphysagria 12CH emergency had significantly lower than Sulphur 12CH. In IVE no significant changes occurred.

Keywords: high-dilution, Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes, homeopathy.