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Potentised eucalyptus oil

Posted: 06 Nov 2014, 22:57
by Mark
COMPARED PATHOGENESIS OF Eucalyptus globulus AND Corymbia citriodora SOYBEANS

SMTPG Carneiro; EDB Romano; MLV Souza; MFB Donadon, WR Pinho, LC Marques, MRL Rodrigues

ABSTRACT: The trial in healthy subjects or pathogenesis, one of the pillars of
homeopathy, was developed by Hahnemann to study the medicinal properties of
substances, and the diluted substances were used to cure similar symptoms in sick
individuals. The performance of pathogenesis in healthy plants has been shown as a
promising approach for treating diseased plants with symptoms similar to those
produced by the tested substance. This work aimed to develop the pathogenesis of
Eucalyptus globulus and Corymbia citriodora oils in soybean. Two experiments were
conducted in greenhouse at the experimental station of IAPAR in Londrina, with BRS –
257 variety. Both experiments were conducted in randomized block design consisting
on seven treatments and six replications. The treatments of the first test consisted of E.
globulus oil in dosages of 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0%, diluted oil in 9CH potency,
and controls 9CH hydroalcoholic solution and water. The second test consisted of the
same dosages of C. citriodora oil plus 9CH hydroalcoholic solution and water. Six
symptoms produced by Eucalyptus globulus in ponderal doses were observed, and only
one of these symptoms was observed in 9CH potency. For Corymbia citriodora, seven
symptoms were observed in ponderal doses and two symptoms with the diluted oil. E.
globulus and C. citriodora oils will be diluted and tested for treating diseased plants
according to the principle of similarity.

Keywords: homeopathy, eucalyptus, pathogenesis, Glycine max