Aiding no till Farming

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Aiding no till Farming

Post by anand »


One finds very informative papers dealing in sustainable agriculture ,
to improve productivity, & touching issues ranging from pest managment, weed prevention ,
to application of homeo remedies to improve soil deficiencies.

these methods though use ful , have not much touched on the role of nature
as laid in the Principles of Natural Farming by Fukuoka.
1 No cultivation
2.No weeding
3.No Fertilizer
4.No Pesticides

1 Among the 4 main principles of Natural Farming : the miniscule doses
of homeo potencies ,peppering could aid in realising the principles of No pesticide
no weeding & no Fertilizer farming .

The toughest however is the 1st principle of "no till farming ": Not only it is difficult to realise ,even the
prevailing mindset of Farmers is difficult to change , one cannot think of growing crops with out Tilling
For in doing so would change the very foundation of Farming .The typical image of a Farmer is one with
a hoe on his shoulder,(the popularity o f this image is evident in the symbols of political parties in india )

Can considera change this scenario ?
The inclusion of no till farming in wholistic agriculture would be revolutionary ,

When one throws a seed ball in the wild the germination rate is not high
How can we give that extra impetus to the encased seed so that it takes foot hold .
I read about the high success of germination with natrum mur 3x .& would try it out in the seed ball,
in no till farming.

Any guidance on the subject would be really appreciated.

It is reported that "the most important requirement for ORGANIC NO-TILL is
CONTINUOUS cultivation, any interruption will allow the weeds to grow back and you have to start from zero.
Could Principles of peppering etc help in this ? The forum could touch on issues .
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Post by Mark »

Hello Anand

I cannot offer much guidance but hope that you will empower yourself to see if Fukuoka and agrohomeopathy are able to form a productive partnership. I was part of writing the Harmonious Wheatsmith which details an attempt to reproduce Fukuoka growing in Europe, but I haven't put these two parts of my life together in any useful way.

Please let us know how you get on.
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