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Enzo Nastati Coming to North America

Posted: 22 May 2013, 12:53
by Cuttings ... h-america/

By Caren von Gontard

A group of biodynamic practitioners and educators from the Rocky Mountain region and Kentucky have come together to bring Enzo Nastati to the United States for the first time to present seminars on his decades of research and development of biodynamics/homeodynamics. For those unfamiliar with his work, we strongly suggest reading excerpts from his 80+ books, which have been translated from the original Italian into English. Samples are available free of charge from Mark Moodie’s website. (Simply click on the Adobe Acrobat symbol to the left of the title for a preview of the book.) Books can be ordered from the site in a pdf format to download.

Enzo is the author of the Commentary on Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course (also available from the Josephine Porter Institute), which is an invaluable source for understanding and delving deeper into the first indications given by Steiner for the biodynamic method of agriculture. He has spent decades researching and developing preparations and application techniques to further meet the demands of our modern day. His work has addressed the difficulties presented by electromagnetic fields, radioactive pollution, industrial pollution, water quality deterioration, GMOs, and other harmful effects of our modern technology.

Mark Moodie of the U.K. has spent decades studying with Enzo and translating his works. He offers this observation:
Enzo has protected plants from frosts, developed new plant characteristics, removed heavy metals from subsoils, increased yields in general as well as specific ones such as essential oil fractions, removed rats from a rubbish dump, helped plants to recover after being flattened by 3 hail storms in 90 minutes, put hair back on the rumps of stabled cattle, kept GM pollen off corn crops … all with potentised preparations or with forms … and translated the gospels from the ancient Greek, written about 80 books, given courses all over the world, built new flowforms, designed formidable buildings including those in his home community’s ecovillage in North Italy, developed new potentising techniques, developed water purification appliances and forms to protect people from em radiation.

Too much for one person to do well? – there’s more! If you are interested here is your chance to find out how he ticks … If you do decide to make time to study with Enzo Nastati on his visit to the USA perhaps I can prepare you a little. I suggest that you have some questions ready – some of the really tricky questions that may seem intractable from your reading of the agriculture course. Find a way to formulate those questions as well as you can and bring them along. You will find you are with one of the few people I have met who is likely to have either an answer or who will bounce something very pertinent back to you so you can find a fruitful approach yourself.
After studying many of Enzo’s written works, we have decided to take the leap and bring Enzo to the United States to present his basic seminars. There will be three opportunities to study with Enzo this autumn. He will be giving a basic Homeodynamic Course on October 4-8 in Paonia, Colorado, followed by a course on Water Vitalization in the same location on October 10-13.

From Colorado, Enzo will travel to Foxhollow Farm in Kentucky for a second presentation of the Homeodynamic Course on Oct. 16-20.

The Homeodynamic Course will cost $600, inclusive of all meals. Accommodation will be provided for as many people as possible on a first-come, first-served basis. The Water Vitalization course will cost $500, inclusive.

For information or to register for any of the courses, please contact Caren von Gontard at PO Box 30, Paonia, CO 81428, 970-201-0125,