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Tablehurst Biodynamic Land Trust Share Offer

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 19:59
by Mark ... are-offer/

I have become a founder member of the Biodynamic Land Trust. The field is Brambletye fields for Tablehurst Community Farm, for the biodynamic farming and the countryside conservation.

Organic Chickens Brambletye Fields
The aim of the Biodynamic Land Trust (BDLT) is to secure farmland in trust in perpetuity for affordable access to young biodynamic farmers and agriculture, conservation and for community connected farming. The benefits will include supporting biodynamic farming, preserving the countryside, supporting local food growing and helping entrant biodynamic framers and growers get access to affordable land.

The BDLT has registered as a Community Benefit Society (IPS). The BDLT purpose is to increase biodynamic acreage for farmers, growers and communities in Britain. Brambletye Field will be the first land to be put into trust by te BDLT and will be leased to Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farm is unique, a model for community connected, sustainable farming. The 550 acre farm is owned by the community, producers award winning biodynamic food which is solid locally to minimise food miles, training young farmers, engages the community activities and cares for nature.

The story of Bramletye Fields: In 2002, two Plaw Hatch and Tablehurst Farm Co-op members brought Brambletye field, 37.74 acres (15.27 hectares) of agricultural land, water meadows and woodland that had been part of the Spring Hill Farm Estate. The land is in a beautiful, peaceful setting close to Forest Row, nestled between Weirwood Reservoir and the River Medway.

The land was leased to the farm and went into organic and biodynamic conversion in January 2003. Hedges were planted by the community. Scapes and widened field margins were introduced. These features enhanced wildlife and biodiversity. Tablehurst has now farmed the land for eight years, secured biodynamic certification, rebuilt the soil fertility and ensure sound fencing. It is valuable grazing land, and has a good capacity for grain production.

BDLT and Brambletye Share Offer: The BDLT already has seed capital of £65,000 set aside for the Brambletye purchase, and is seeking to raise a further £130,000. The minimum target for this issue of withdrawable shares is £65,000, with the aim of raising the balance of £65,000 from interest free loans and gifts.

The minimum number of shares that can be purchased is £100, £1 shares. The maximum is £20,000, £1 shares. For our investment we have become a shareholder and hence a mutual owner.

The shares are not tradable but are with drawable, so can only be sold back to the BDLT (not to other people) at face value. They can be inherited. The Biodynamic Land Trust is constituted as a Community Benefit Society (IPS), is also applying to become a charity at law, and is registered with the FSA. Share withdrawal terms are set out in the BDLY Rules, which are at,uk. (C1-C27). Further information about such community investments is at This is a long-term investment, with no interest payable on shares, but with a social, biodynamic and environmental return.

The BDLT will retain a modest reserve for potential share withdrawals, keeping running costs to a minimum to be paid from ground lease income. ( see Feasibility Study and Start Up Plan on the website). Investors should be aware that their investment is potentially at risk, through this is minimal, the BDLT will be very careful with taking on potential liabilities. Land is a safe investment, but do not invest money you can not afford to lose (though this is an unlikely outcome). This investment is not covered by any form of financial compensation scheme and there is no right of complaint to an ombudsman.

The costs are: £190,000 purchase price; up to £3,200 for conveyancing, stamp duty, searches, legal costs; Administration, website, leaflet and expenses £750; contingencies/sundries £800: Total£195,000