Shane Joyce on Potencies etc

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Shane Joyce on Potencies etc

Post by Mark »

Shane Joyce on Potencies etc

Large area solutions (drones), and potentised biodynamic preparations

The increasingly burning question is how can we let go of our relationship with the physical biodynamic preparations and start a new one with potentized/ homeopathic preparations?

Let me paint a picture.

You are a farmer managing a large area of land which is not only “in the back of beyond,” but is also inaccessible as far as spraying the preparations by ground rig. Now we’re also looking at the logistics and cost of freight/postage from “the front of beyond” (Bellingen) to “the back of beyond” (Whoop Whoop), for a substantial quantity of Biodynamic Soil Activator (BDSA), or its liquid potentized version (LSA), or Horn Manure (500).

As a farmer you’re alarmed at the mounting costs and scope of this operation, and “along comes Jones”, who just happens to be a drone spraying contractor! We suddenly see the solution to getting BDSA/LSA or 500 applied to our many hectares.

Imagine if you are able to purchase homeopathic potentized BDSA (or potentized 500), and with a few drops added to water, you can have Jones Aerial Applications flying the preparations over our estate in hardly any time at all!

In my case, having just 12 months ago done my “vast estate” at Kilkivan via drone, with physical BDSA, I’m aware of a major issue, apart from freight/postage and vehicle costs, and that was stirring and filtering the stirred preparation so that it was not blocking the spray nozzles on the DJI (drone).

Yes, I see huge advantages in homeopathic preparations to address some of the costs associated with application, as well as making the application much easier … no stirring, no filtering, no blocked nozzles (as well as no driving and associated soil compaction or
breakdowns and accidents, and no diesel!).

From the above, result questions, questions, questions!

Stirring? Why do we stir? I see that preparation stirring is purely a “tool” to connect us with what we “intend”. Laborious, and on a large scale, expensive and time consuming.

Once we learn/connect with our capacity for focused intent, then we can do away with stirring. (Just refer to Masaru Emoto’s
work on programming water and Veda Austin's subsequent work.) Similar to dowsing, where the question is integral with the intent.

Yes, there are lots of tools, however our innate intelligence, once tuned, makes the tools redundant.

Unfortunately, we are Newtonian reductionist educated, so we make “what Steiner said” gospel, from which not to deviate. Having worked extensively since 2001 with the biodynamic preparations, since 2007 with BDSA, and since 2012ish with LSA, for me focused attention and my innate intelligence rule!!

In the Agriculture Lectures, Steiner said we can mix horn manure with sand and put it out … no stirring.

Dilutions? The work of Glen Atkinson (NZ BD to the Max/Glenopathy guy), and Cheryl Kemp in Aust, clearly demonstrates that homeopathic potencies of the preparations only require a few drops – likewise with homeopathic plant, insect and animal peppers.

I remember that I should/could not stir biodynamically in a square bucket! Tell me I can’t do it and I’ll find a way! I do acknowledge other peoples’ “paradigms”, however, but I always ask: is this paradigm limiting/contracting, or is it expansive?

With LSA I remember how long it took BAA to uptake what I’d been successfully for some years. I see how largely BAA has not dived into homeopathics – apart from the peppers and fresh/fermented 508.

It’s a scary thought that we might make things considerably easier for farmers and gardeners by offering them a full range to choose from. (Just joking!)

Hugh Lovel was doing this widely and successfully for years, working with the people he consulted for – with both physical and potentised preps!

So we each bring our personal contractions or expansions (prejudices) to the processes by our individual points of view.

If a member has concerns with LSA or homeopathic preparations, then she/he has concerns; however she/he also has free choice to consider alternatives. What she/he chooses may not be another’s, however she/he considers hers/his to be the only way.

Now this has probably taken us down a rabbit hole or two, and I acknowledge that trying to find consensus in the field of biodynamics may be a waste of time!

Cheers, Shane Joyce