What are Biodynamics

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What are Biodynamics

Post by Mark »

http://www.progressearth.info/biodynami ... odynamics/

Maybe you’ve heard the word before or seen it used in marketing, but it’s a safe bet you’ve never used a genuine BioDynamic gardening product before. It’s one thing to use the word, but another entirely to hold the space and manifest the intention to carry out the process. BioDynamic agriculture was introduced by Rudolf Steiner in 1924 with eight lectures given at the request of farmers noticing the degradation of the life force on their farms.

These lectures have been accumulated and are available to us all in the work The Agriculture Course, which is distributed by Progress Earth. The farmers did not notice the degradation in their plants immediately, but in the animals that were fed the crops they were growing. They were succumbing to afflictions that they had never seen before that were decimating their animals with disease and early death. The farmers turned to Steiner who was one of the renowned philosophers and naturalist of the time. His lectures were designed to provide insight into how to affect the life force of their farms by working with and through natural systems.

Life force may read as a vague term, but we would all agree that there is a force to life. It is what prevents our bodies from decaying until we die, or that which allows a plant to grow up against the force of gravity. The explanations of these subtle forces do not fit neatly into our means of communicating “science”, i.e. the scientific method, so they are not addressed or recognized by mainstream schools of thought, but they are very real. In fact, this makes them even more relevant considering the degenerative issues of modern society.

If you think of conventional farming as drowning and organic farming as treading water, BioDynamics is swimming where you want to go.

Steiner called the regenerative natural forces that work on plants “etheric formative forces”. He begins the The Agriculture Course by speaking on how rhythms indicate the degree to which natural beings have emancipated from their relation to surrounding Nature. This emancipation from Nature is almost complete for human life and is expressed as free will. For the animal life it is less so, but plant life on the other hand, is still to a high degree immersed in the general life of Nature, including the outer earthly world.

This is why the moon and other celestial bodies influence plant growth, as demonstrated in farmer’s almanacs with concepts such as “sow by the moon” and planting calendars such as the Stella Natura.

BioDynamics was the first reaction to chemical farming and represents a method of revitalizing ecosystems using specific and potentized plants and herbs. BioDynamics is a form of homeopathic farming that utilizes water as a medium for communication of subtle energies between and within living systems. Water can only act in this way when it has not been industrialized and is allowed to flow in a natural spiraling fashion, as would be the case in a river or the ocean.