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Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 10:19
by Mark
Following the influx of Rumanian and Russian porn and drug subscribers I am making this whole site one that can only be joined after getting permission from Admin. This is a pain but it saves me spending half an hour each morning getting rid of those with no interest in the subject.

I hope to come back to self registering in the near future.

Registering - update

Posted: 17 Aug 2006, 16:27
by Mark
I'm trying to block the morons with some software. If you don't post often or are just registered you have some extra steps to take now - sorry. But we are back to self registering - all being well.


Loging in

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 09:31
by Mark
I've sorted out why logging in needed to be done twice and so that should be all sorted out from now on. Phew.

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 16:53
by Mark
and finally ... I've found a good script for password retrieval for the materia medica, repertory and the planting and pepper detabases