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What B Lievegoed and G Atkinson added

Posted: 10 Feb 2024, 15:01
by Mark
In his booklet for the Experimental Circle of 1961, Bernard Lievegoed filled in some gaps. I would like to carry over his own caveat that this represents his own thoughts that should initially be accepted as conjecture and grist for discussion. Be that as it may, this is what he added with consideration and embellishment from Glen Atkinson.

507: Strengthens the ego against the astral (Saturn/P)

506: Helps the Ego and the physical entwine (Jupiter / H)

505: Sucks an rampant etheric into the physical (Moon / C)

504: Harmonises the astral and the other bodies (Mars / N)

503: Strengthens the etheric against the astral (Mercury / O)

502: Opens the etheric to accept the astral (Venus / S)