The inner processes of plants

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The inner processes of plants

Post by Mark »

Portugal. An online event about the inner processes of plants.

In February and March, “Omnia Conjugo,” the Biodynamic Institute in Portugal, is offering an
online course with seven meetings. The course “The Plant between Sun and Earth:
Encounters with Infinity” will explore the various forces that shape the Earth’s flora and affect
its growth and development. The course content is based on the book of the same name by
George Adams and Olive Whicher. Participants will focus, in particular, on the question of
where these forces come from and how they relate to the material substances that make up
the plant. The course uses a qualitative scientific approach and elements of projective
geometry to open up new perspectives on plant processes. The first session will take place
on February 20, with the final session on March 26. It will be held in English, with Spanish
and Portuguese translations available.

Further information and registration

More at Instituto Biodinâmico