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Synthesis of Speiss' findings

Posted: 25 Jul 2023, 14:28
by Mark
Cosmic-terrestrial effects, esp. of lunar rhythms on growth of cultivated plants under longterm bio-dynamic management

In multiannual sowing time experiments the influence of cosmic-terrestrial effects, esp. of lunar rhythms on growth of cultivated plants under longterm bio-dynamic management was examined.

Rye, radish, carrots, potatoes, beans and mustard were examined. Field, garden and pot experiments were conducted.

Examinations and analyses comprised time-related data of weather, soil, plant development and formation of yields and qualities. Detailed data on weather and soil and the individual results of the trials are published as an annex in a separate volume (Spiess 1994b).

In all the sowing time experiments an annual trend was observed for yield- and quality-formation. This was related to primary growth factors such as temperature, moisture, light, day length and growth peroid. The trend is expressed by means of a polynome regression. To facilitate a comparison between years, results were corrected for trends.

The following lunar effects on crops were observed:

. Rye showed most pronounced lunar rhythms for germination in the field. In two variants in the trial the standard cultivation was clearly related to the synodic moon rhythm (i.e. the phases full and new moon) and when seeds from sowings at certain constellations were regrown for 5 generations, to the anomalistic moon rhythm (i.e. perigree and apogee).

Yields were related to synodic and anomalistic rhythms in the 5-year-average, although only partly significant.

Seed vitality was best when the mother piants were sown around full moon and lowest around new moon.

2. Radish yields in the 3-year-experiments depended on the tropic moon rhythm (i.e. ascending and decending moon) and on the anomalistic moon positions apogee and perigee.

Shelf life and seed vitality correlated with the syzygic-lunar rhythm of full and new moon.

3 Carrots always showed higher yields when sown in the synodic –sideric moon-zodiac-constellation of Virgo prior to full moon. Shelf life of grated carrots in a molding test then was improved.

Valuable ingredients were not related to lunar rhythms, but to the date of sowing.

4. Potatoes showed marked differences related to lunar rhythms, but when corrected for year, they were not statistically significant.

Planting before full moon resulted in supresses yields, highest yields were achieved when planted close to moon´s perigree.

5. Beans showed significant differences for both pod yields at first harvest and leaves. The number of pods at first harvest ranged synodic rhythm > tropic rhythm > anomalistic rhythm. This holds also true for the highest positive deviation in pod yields for sowing time at moon´s perigree.

Leave yields were significantly reduced in relation to the tropic moon rhythm with sowing time and low moon in the zodiac of Sagittarius and increased yields at high moon in the zodiac of Gemini.

The main lunar rhythms resultes in the following effects:
  • a) An influence of the anomalistic rhythm (perigree, apogee) existed for all cultivated crops. Plants sown at moon´s perigree all showed positive reactions.

    b) An influence of the synodic moon rhythm (moon phases) existed for all cultivated crops, with marked differences between the moon´s increasing and decreasing phases. An example for this are the experiments with carrots and potatoes. Carrot yields were highest when sown before full moon, whereas potato yields were lowest at this constellation.

    c) The tropic moon rhythm (ascending and decanding moon) showed effects with only some crops. Beans reacted most pronounced; they were followed by radish and carrots.

    d) There were evident differences for yields and qualities of all crops in relation to the sideric rhythm (i.e. the 12 moon positions in the zodiac). These could however be explained with the other moon rhythms mentioned above.

    The influence of sideric trigon positions on plant groth often mentioned in bio-dynamic literature was not evident.

    e) Some observations imply an impact of draconic moon rhythm (moon nodes, eclipse of the moon and the sun).

    f) When looking at experiments results of individual moon rhythms, the interference of the various rythms must be taken into consideration.

    g) The hypothesis is stated that after further increase in knowledge it will be possible to characterise plants according to theis lunar reaction type.

    h) A theoretical discussion of how lunar rhythms are effective in plants is given.

Supplement by

The investigations of Spieß make clear, that research on cosmic constellations in crop production requires the application of specific experimental and statistical methods. However, in some cases it was not possible to confirm the positive effects of sideric lunar rhythms that are stated in some popular sowing calendars. In regard to this issue Spieß said “that we started our work on constellations with the aim to reproduce the results of Maria Thun. However, on the basis of a scientific experimentation, which is the basic requirement for reproducible and transparent results, we obtained different results” (Spieß, Lebendige Erde 1/2001, p. 51).
The statistical methods applied by Spieß were criticised by other authors who, in contrast to Spieß, concluded positive effects of sideric lunar rhythms from the same data via different modes of statistics. Both views are published in:

Kollerstrom, N.; Staudenmaier, G. (2001). Mond im Tierkreis: anders rechnen - andere Ergebnisse. Lebendige Erde, Heft 1 , 48-49

Spieß, H. (2001). Mond im Tierkreis: anders rechnen, andere Ergebnisse? Lebendige Erde, Heft 1 , 50-51

Spieß, H. (1994a) Chronobiologische Untersuchungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung lunarer Rhythmen im biologisch-dynamischen Pflanzenbau. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Biologisch-Dynamische Forschung, Band 3

Spieß, H. (1994b) Anhang zu: Chronobiologische Untersuchungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung lunarer Rhythmen im biologisch-dynamischen Pflanzenbau - Beschreibung der Einzelergebnisse. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Biologisch-Dynamische Forschung, Band 4