From Garuda Consultants

For research, impressions, concerns and other related aspects of minimising weeds and pest issues using peppers and remedies.
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From Garuda Consultants

Post by Mark »

What is Peppering?

`Peppering' is a method of pest control suggested by the founder of the Biodynamic agricultural movement, Rudolf Steiner back in 1924. Since that time it has been used successfully in many different circumstances. We have experienced its value in controlling everything from weeds to insects to possums, rabbits and rats. Essentially the insect is gathered and burnt to an ash, which is then spread over the land you wish to protect. Over the years this basic recipe has been developed and now the ash is processed into a liquid form, which can be easily sprayed over orchards by incorporating it into existing spraying rounds.

The aim of `peppering' is to inhibit the reproductive potential of any plant, insect or animal, one applies the method too. Steiner suggested that this method may take up to four years to become fully effective, however our experience has shown that effective results can be experienced within a matter of days.

With the passion vine hopper, Jane Cooks orchard has reported she used the pepper for the first time 3 seasons ago. The first season her infestation level was very small, while last year it is still of no great concern. Several (20+) other growers have reported good levels of control after starting to use it last season. Several growers are reporting having unsprayed shelter belts, black with hoppers and sooty mould, while meters away their sprayed vines are clean.
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Joined: 29 Jan 2014, 08:45

Re: From Garuda Consultants

Post by angeleddie »

Move forward to the 1990’s & where we now farm at Theodore in Central Queensland. A drought, a drought breaking rain, & another army worm plague with very similar results. You guessed it our farm was not touched (again) due to the diversity we were managing for in the landscape.
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