Hugh Courtney On Peppers

Re minimising weeds and pests using peppers and remedies.
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Hugh Courtney On Peppers

Post by Mark »

Ashing or BD 'Peppering'- A Function of Lunar Forces part 1

Ashing or BD 'Peppering'- A Function of Lunar Forces part 2

In the little understood sixth lecture of Spiritual Foundations for the Renewal of Agriculture, Rudolf Steiner speaks of how the biodynamic farmer or gardener may deal with the subject of pests, be they weed, animal, or insect. In this initial article on the subject, I would like to deal first of all with what I perceive as a prerequisite to working with any of the categories of pests, and for the remainder of this article, I would like to limit my discussion to the handling of weeds only. Subsequent articles will attempt to address insect and animal pests in the specific detail required.

I would like to suggest that no effort at countering pests in any category can be successful to its maximum extent if one does not first pay very close attention to what Steiner says regarding the Moon forces and the means he suggests to counter the impulse of those Moon forces when they are out of balance.

Let us first examine what Steiner says about the Moon's forces in general. Near the beginning of lecture six, Steiner delineates those forces as follows:
"It is common knowledge that the surface of the Moon reflects the rays of the Sun, directing them back toward the Earth. We see these reflected rays of the Sun because we catch them with our eyes h and the Earth catches them too. The rays of the Moon are reflected Sun-rays, but the Moon has imbued them with its own forces, and so they strike the Earth as lunar forces, and have been doing so ever since the Moon separated from the Earth. This lunar force from the cosmos has an intensifying effect on everything earthly."