Circular 123

For relevant clippings from books or news papers, and for posts that are pertinent but which don't fit in the fora above
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Circular 123

Post by Mark »

Section for Agriculture - Circular 123

Some interesting articles from the Goetheanum


Editorial 3
Anna Storchenegger

45 Years of the DOK Trial 4
Ueli Hurter

The Art of biodynamic Cultivation 9
Ueli Hurter

Dynamic Nutrition 12
Dr. Jasmin Peschke

The Development of the biodynamic Training world-wide 14
Sarah Sommer, Jean-Michel Florin

Review of the Agricultural Conference 2023 18
Jean-Michel Florin

The Leading Thought “The pre-Michaelic and the Michael’s Path” 21
Jean-Michel Florin

A new Book for the Centenary 24
Rudi Bind, Ueli Hurter

Agenda 2023|2024 27