Seasonal application

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Seasonal application

Post by Mark »

Seasonal variation of the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10-30) on wheat seedling development

Scherer-Pongratz W and Endler PC (2011)

Objective: Performing a study on a wheat growth bio assay with a homeopathic dilution of gibberellic acid at
different seasons of the year.

Conclusion: Results suggest that especially in the experiments performed in autumn, there was an influence
of gibberellic acid 30x on wheat seedling development. The effect size is small when calculation is done on the
basis of grains (d = 0.18) but high when done on the basis of dishes (d = 1.02). In contrast, no reliable effect
was found in experiments performed in winter / spring. Further experiments should thus be performed in the
autumn season.