Evidence - Sukul

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Evidence - Sukul

Post by Mark »

Experimental evidence in support of the biological effects and physical basis of homeopathic potencies

Nirmal Chandra Sukul

Background: Homeopathic potencies 12 cH and above cross the Avogadro number and, for this, do not contain any original drug molecules. Two major problems involved in the scientific study of potencies are (1) understanding the physical basis of potencies and (2) demonstrating the biological effects of potencies. The present study aims to address these questions.

Conclusions: Homeopathic potencies could be detected and differentiated by their electronic spectra.
Potencies show marked effect on animals, plants, ex vivo effect on isolated organs and in vitro effect on

Keywords: Homeopathic potencies, electronic spectra, ethanol intake, adjuvant arthritis, filariasis,
Cantharis, Nux vomica