Sinusoidal effect of auxins

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Sinusoidal effect of auxins

Post by Mark »

Changes in the dynamics of germination and growth of flax, garden cress and radish seeds under the increasing dilutions of chosen auxins

Malarczyk E, Wojtkowiak D (2013)

Introduction: As it has been proved earlier the activity of the enzymes from a phenoloxidase group of bacteria and fungi [1-5] change in accordance’s with a sine curve as a result of the incubation with the increasing dilutions of their phenol effectors. This phenomenon seems to be common, however it requires a greater amount of comparative studies with the use of other kind of biological material and its biological effectors.

Results: Among the three kinds of tested plants, a greater differentiation of growth depending on the used dilution and a kind of auxin, had the flax seeds. A certain correlation between a kind of plant and the effectiveness of a particular auxin has been noticed. The smallest differentiation of the speed of growth was observed in case of a garden cress seeds. The third kind of plant, a radish had an irregular rising not only with regard to a fast increase in a plant mass but also to a kind of auxin.