Different evaporated droplet images

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Different evaporated droplet images

Post by Mark »

Preliminary study on force-like effects between As45x, water, and wheat seeds performed by means of the droplet evaporation method

Kokornaczyk M.O., Baumgartner S., Betti L.

Background: The droplet evaporation method (DEM) is based on pattern formation in evaporating droplets. It has been shown that the local connected fractal dimension (LCFD; a complexity measure) of crystalline structures grown in evaporating droplets of wheat seed leakages depended upon whether the seeds were treated with an ultra-high dilution (UHD) or water control.1, 2

In homeopathy it is usually assumed, that UHD’s need to come in direct (physical) contact with the organism to be treated to exhibit their action; however, recently, it has been demonstrated on a wheat seed germination model that UHD’s may influence organisms also at a distance, i.e. without any physical contact. 3 In this case the UHD's effectiveness decreases with increasing distance. Here we test whether DEM might serve also as a tool to study such force-like influences.

In a series of three DEM experiments (E1-3) we studied (i) force-like effects occurring between As2O3 45x treatment (As45x) and undiluted, unsuccussed, ultrapure water (W), (ii) As45x and wheat seeds, as also (iii) whether force-like effects may be shielded by means of aluminum foil, commonly applied for such purposes in homeopathic research.

Conclusions: Our results confirm that UHD’s may pass their properties on distance on water and seeds even if they do not enter in direct contact with the receiver. Occurring of such effects should therefore be considered in research on homeopathy and preventive measures should be applied to avoid false positive or false negative results. Further experimentation is necessary to verify shielding properties of different materials against passing of UHD effects on distance with the aim to find alternative solutions to the commonly used aluminum foil. As demonstrated here DEM constitutes a suitable and quick tool for such studies.