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Cabbage growing

Posted: 10 May 2023, 14:16
by Mark
Homeopathic preparations for growth and yield of cabbage in organic system



Cabbage is preferentially consumed organically and in many cases is produced conventionally, leaving traces of chemical residues which can cause direct effects on the health of the consumer and the farmer. The aim was to evaluate the influence of high dilutions preparations on growth and production under organic system of cabbage evaluating seedlings and plants in field. The study was composed of five experiments with nine treatments and four replications. Three greenhouse and two field experiments were carried out in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were prepared of Arnica montana, Silicea terra, Carbo vegetabilis and Sulphur at 6CH and 30CH in high dilutions, water being used as control. Sulphur at 6CH increased the height and root length in comparison with a control, in two of the three experiments with cabbage seedlings. Silicea terra at 30CH and Sulphur at 6CH increased the production and the dry mass of cabbage heads. Arnica montana at 6CH and 30CH also increased the dry mass. In conclusion, Sulphur at 6CH stands out as promising for improving the quality of cabbage seedlings as much as the production and dry mass of cabbage heads in field conditions, these last characteristics also being improved by Silicea terra at 30CH.

Keywords: Brassica oleraceae var. capitata, homeopathy, agricultural practices, cropping system.