Tannins in Porophyllum ruderale

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Tannins in Porophyllum ruderale

Post by Mark »

Effect of Single Application of Preparations Homeopathic Calcarea carbonica, Kalium phosphoricum, Magnesium carbonicum, Natrium muriaticum and Silicea terra in the content of Tannin in Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cassini

Experiments on the effect of homeopathy in plants are being conducted by growers. Benefic effects are several, especially the production of residue-free plants, very important to medicinal plants. The objective of the present trial was to establish the reaction of Porophyllum ruderale to five different homeopathic preparations, concerning the tannin yield of leaves and roots.Homeopathic preparations elicited significant effects, either increasing, or decreasing tannin yield. Single applications of Sulphur, Natrium muriaticum, Kalium phosphoricum and Calcarea carbonica at the 4CH dynamization increased tannin yield 240-288 hours after application; Silicea terra and Magnesium carbonicum 4CH between 288-336 hours after application. Kalium phosphoricum and Calcarea carbonica were the homeopathic preparations that elicited maximal increase in tannin yield of leaves. The use of homeopathic preparations in P. ruderale employed in human nutrition may reduce tannin yield, reduce astringency and improve palatability. On the other hand, homeopathic preparations that increase pharmacologically active compounds is of interest to phytotherapy.