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Agrohomeoapthic Garden

Posted: 27 Apr 2023, 08:46
by Mark
V. Guru Charan shares his successes in growing herbs organically using homeopathy and natural methods including mulching, while avoiding mono cropping

]V. Guru Charan

Dedication: Project AHOBHAG is most humbly dedicated, with deepest gratitude in the Holy Feet of Most Revered Gracious Huzur Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab, my spiritual Master, an illustrious Academician par excellence and the visionary Innovator extraordinaire.

This project was born in late 2019, as much out of curiosity as it was out of desire to assist the farming community to practise sustainable organic farming in the most efficient manner. The acronym, AHOBHAG stands for good fortune in Hindi. In consonance with its name, the purpose of AHOBHAG from the get-go has been to inspire the community to take up organic farming the gentle homeopathic way.....