Subtle Agroecologies

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Subtle Agroecologies

Post by Mark »

Subtle Agroecologies Farming With the Hidden Half of Nature

Edited by Julia Wright

SECTION 1 Transformative Epistemological, Philosophical and Theoretical Frameworks

Re-Enchanting Agriculture: Farming with the Hidden Half of Nature.......................3
Julia Wright

From the Mainstreaming of Western Science to the Co-Evolution
of Different Sciences: Addressing Cognitive Injustice .............................................. 21
Bertus Haverkort

Conversations with Nature Spirits: The Political Ecology of Power and
Progress in Rural Zimbabwe......................................................................................39
Georgina McAllister and Mike Zeddy Chikukwa

The Forgotten Ground: Recollecting the Primordial Harmony.................................49
Joseph Milne

Humans Are Humus: Using Eco-Psychology to Highlight the Language
of Dualism and the Promise of the Non-Dual............................................................ 59
Travis Cox

A New Science from a Historical Figure: Goethe as Holistic Scientist..................... 71
Isis Brook

From Quantum Biology Towards Quantum Consciousness ...................................... 81
Jack Tuszyński

Healing Our Relationship with Gaia through a New Thrivability Paradigm ............ 89
Anneloes Smitsman and Jude Currivan