Kulturpflanzenentwicklung Wulfsdorf: vegetable breeding, seed production,breeding
Research Training in
The spiritual scientific foundations for a practical and spiritual
approach to the development of cultivated plants
From March/April – end of October 2024
After 25 years of vegetable plant breeding, cultivated crop development and breeding research I would like to share the fruits of my experiences:
Many trials have been carried out to explore the influences of the planets and zodiac on plants: Trials with cosmic constellations, eurythmy, musical tones, intervals and meditation. Out of this, different ways of treating seeds have been developed to improve nutritional qualitiy.
Through the meditative research approach based on „formative forces research“ (developed by D. Schmidt) – we have looked at questions such as:
plant – cultivated plant
pollination – seed formation – fructification
the forming of „food – fruits“
nutrition etc.
Intensive work with the biodynamic preparations including
potentised and special preparations for the different times of the year
soils to support cultivated plant development and soil fertility
The training will focus on:
practical vegetable plant breeding
seed production
development from „wild“ plants and grasses into cultivated ones
daily meditative research work with these themes as content.
observation of soil and plant development during the year
observation of the bd preparations after spraying and potentising
The „Kulturpflanzenentwicklung Wulfsdorf“ is a project of the associaton „Kultursaat e.V.“ The vegetable plant breeding initiative is located at and partly integrated within the very diverse market gardening operation (20 ha) of Gut Wulfsdorf, a Demeter farm of 360 ha (dairy cows, pigs, cereals, horses; direct markting with farm shop and market stalls) northeast of Hamburg (northern Germany).
Crops being worked on are:
Carrots, broccoli, radicchio, spinach beet, leeks, cabbage, lettuce, swiss chard, courgette, tomatoes etc. All the cereals and several wild grasses are grown in order to further enhance food quality.
Tasks of the practical work
vegetable production including sowing, weeding, hoeing etc.
seed growing
seed harvesting and threshing
selection of plants for seed (carrots, leek, cabbage, radicchio..)
selection by taste, taste trials
The training is free of charge. You need your own health/social insurance. You get free board and lodging in return for working in the plant breeding and seed production area.
The language is english (and german)
Daily shedule
Before breakfast: 1 – 1.5 hours work in the greenhouses
then „anthroposophical“ morning meditation
After breakfast:
1.5 – 2 hours meditative work on themes mentioned
then practical work and cooking
After lunch:
practical work – this will include as appropriate observations of spraying preparations etc.
Christina Henatsch, Kulturpflanzenentwicklung Wulfsdorf
Bornkamspweg 38a; 22926 Ahrensburg
Tel: 04102 – 46 94 30; christina.henatsch@kultursaat.org
further Information: