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Steiner ahead of his time?

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 21:49
by Mark
André Leu - Lecture: "Rudolf Steiner – 100 years ahead of the science of his time"

The biodynamic movement was the first of the formal organic agricultural movements. It has met with criticism from mainstream science and agriculture that calls it ‘muck and magic’ pseudoscience. However while mainstream agriculture has lost hundreds of millions of farmers in the last century and still continues to lose millions farmers to farm failures - an ongoing farming catastrophe - the number of biodynamic farms continues to grow, along with consumer demand for biodynamic products, showing that it is an evidence based, resilient, agricultural system. This presentation will explore how Rudolf Steiner’s lectures in the Agriculture Course in 1924 described a dynamic energy based cosmology that is now being validated by the cutting edges of the latest 21st century science. Steiner’s Anthroposophical assertion that humans can learn to use their minds to develop a higher consciousness to perceive, understand and influence the spiritual and ‘unseen’ realms of the universe is backed by evidence based science. Most importantly, because he knew that the agriculture lectures were amongst his last lectures before the end of his life, Steiner clearly stated that these lectures were the starting point for a truly holistic and evolving agriculture, not an end point, and he wanted us to use our minds combined with evidence based practices to continuously improve and expand agricultural systems.

Agriculture Conference 2020