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Hydroponic soy

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 18:22
by Mark
Ultradiluicoes Magnesia phosphorica 12C e Ferrum metallicum 12C em SDS e nos sistemas hidropônicos de soja e feijao.

[High dilutions of Magnesia phosphorica 12C and 12C Ferrum Metallicum in SDS and in hydroponic systems and soy beans].
[Article in Portuguese]

da Silva RTB.

English Abstract
It was evaluated in this study: 1) the influence of Magnesia phosphorica 12C on the structure of households dodecyl sulfate desódio by 13C NMR, 2) the effect of Magnesia phosphorica 12C ultra high dilutions in the nutrient solution in three levels of quantity of ions of magnesium and phosphorus, observed changes in physical and chemical properties such as pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and redox potential during the four measures every 90 minutes, 3) the action of Magnesia phosphorica 12C ultra high dilutions and Ferrum metallicum 12C in physical and chemical properties of water that had contact with the system water-plant and the effect on the photosynthetic rate of the bean for 3 steps every 10 minutes, and 4) the performance of Magnesia phosphorica 12C and the Ferrum metallicum 12C on the photosynthetic rate of soybean plants and the physical and chemical properties (temperature , electrical conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen) of water where the plants were, every 10 minutes for 3 steps. It was concluded that: a question Magnesia phosphorica 12C effect on systems without vital properties, probably because of its resonance electromagnetic fields, the Magnesia phosphorica 12C molecule interacts with the SDS (Sodium dodecyl Sulphate), the ultra high dilutions Magnesia phosphorica 12C influence in the chemical interaction of solutions and the structural balance of molecules of water, the photosynthetic rate of bean and soybean plants with nutritional deficiency are stimulated with Magnesia phosphoric 12C and Ferrum metallicum 12C, the system bean / water and soybean plants / water are more responsive the Magnesia phosphorica 12C than to Ferrum metallicum 12C ultra dilution; variables you can use bio- physical-chemical system of the plant and soy beans in water to detect changes caused by the implementation of
ultra diluted solutions.