5 remedies on chives

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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5 remedies on chives

Post by Mark »

Effect of five homeopathic remedies in the production of fresh weight in chives (Allium fistolosum) - in Portuguese

Luis SJ, Moreno NM. 2010

Abstract (Google translate)

The study of five homeopathic medicines (Calcarea fluorica 30 CH, Calcarea iodatum 30 CH, Calcarea phosphoric 30 CH, Calcarea carbonica 30 CH and Compound C3.), in the chive crop, verifying its influence on the fresh weight production in this crop, since there are highly significant among the different treatments, in some cases there were increases substantial with respect to the untreated control, while in others the fresh weight production. Resulting as the best treatment Calcarea fluorica 30 CH.