Biodynamic weed control

For research, impressions, concerns and other related aspects of minimising weeds and pest issues using peppers and remedies.
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Biodynamic weed control

Post by Mark »

Bulletin on Biodynamic Weed Control

Malcolm Gardner (Aug. 16, 2013)
(With astronomical notes from G Atkinson)

It is midsummer and the weeds on your land may be flourishing and going to seed
… You may be interested, therefore, in trying a uniquely biodynamic method of
selective weed control. The “ashing” method (also called “peppering” because the
ashes resemble pepper) was originally described by Rudolf Steiner in his
agricultural lectures, but not in such a way that it could be easily understood and
reliably applied. In particular, the astronomical component of this method has
been unclear, so much so that many people now try to do weed ashing without
paying any attention to the celestial dynamics. With patience and perseverance,
however, it is possible to reconstruct the logic of the astronomical timing of this
method, and when I did so … I was astonished to find that we are soon coming up
on a series of unusually propitious astronomical periods! So I wanted to get this
information out to you as soon as possible.