Communication within organisms

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Communication within organisms

Post by Mark »

Information and Communication in Living Organisms.

Bastide, M. (1998).

In: Fundamental Research in ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. J. Schulte and P.C. Endler (Eds.). Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 229-239.

In many experiments, we could demonstrate the effectiveness of high dilutions prepared according to the homoeopathic process. Our experiments were performed by using serially diluted homoeopathic solutions of endogenous molecules active on the immune system. The results indicated that homoeopathic high dilutions of endogenous substances containing theoretically no molecule (> 10-24) had an immunomodulatory and endocrine activities (Doucet-Jaboeuf et al., 1982; Bastide et al., 1985, 1987, 1995; Youbicier-Simo et al., 1993, 1996a, 1996b, 1997). These activities were specific and the higher the dilution, the greater the capacity of the test substances to act on the organism. As a working hypothesis concerning the mechanisms underlying the observed effects of highly diluted endogenous compounds, we propose that nonmolecular specific information corresponding to the original molecule is conveyed to the recipient organism which deals with this special cue to restore normal immune and endocrine functions.