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BD Wheat to the senses

Posted: 06 Mar 2023, 22:51
by Mark
Sensory Difference of Bio-Dynamically, Organically and Conventionally Produced Wheat from the DOK Long-Term Field Trial

Considering each of the 24 single comparisons separately, in only two cases sensory difference was significant (P≤0.05) (BIODYN vs. CONFYM for 2009 West, FiBL and BIODYN vs. CONFYM for 2007 West, SAM, Fig.3).
Analysing all data for all possible factor and interaction influences, the factor “farming systems’ pair” was the only one that had a significant influence on the proportion of correct answers. This was highest (41 %) when CONFYM and BIODYN were compared (Fig. 3.)
Hedonic answers revealed significant preference only in one out of the 24 comparisons (BIOORG preferred to CONFYM). Calculating the CONFYM vs. BIOORG comparison across all years, a highly significant interaction (P = 0.002) showed that the panel of conventional consumers preferred CONFYM wheat and the panel of organic consumers preferred BIOORG wheat. The same interaction was observed for the CONFYM vs. BIODYN compari- son as a tendency (P = 0.08; Fig. 4).