Source: Scientific Papers: Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture & Rural Development . 2022, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p643-648. 6p.
Author(s): ȘULEA, Ionuț; SALA, Florin
Abstract: The study evaluated the variation of some physiological indices and productivity elements in wheat, in response to treatments with biodynamic preparations. Two preparations were used, applied singly and in combination, at the recommended dose (P500 and P501) or at half the dose (P500/2; P501/2), in five experimental variants (V1 - P5001; V2 - P500/2; V3 - P500; V4 - P500+P501; V5 - P500+P501/2). A control variant with untreated plants V6(Ct) was used for comparison. Plant height (PH, cm), biomass weight (BW, g) and grain number on ear (GNE, No) were evaluated. Plant height (PH) values ranged from 49 to 69 ±1.66 cm, biomass weight (BW) relative to one plant (mean values) ranged from 3.36 to 7.50 ±0.38 g, and grains number in ear (GNE) ranged from 20 - 38 ± 1.58. The GNE variation according to BW was described by a spline model, in conditions of 00162. 0 e = . The regression analysis facilitated the obtaining of an equation that described the variation of GNE as a function of PH and BW in statistical safety conditions, R2 = 0.998, p <0.001. According to PCA, PC1 explained 97.486% of the variance, and PC1 explained 2.0343% of the variance. It was found that in the case of variant V1 (product P501) there were negative increases, which shows that administered alone the product did not have a favourable effect on wheat plants, under the study conditions. The highest values of the increase in indices and the elements taken into account were recorded in the V4 variant, which was a combination of products (P500+P501).