I've finished going through the UK magazines looking for the written wisdom on the BD preparations. That means Star and Furrows, Notes and Correspondence, and the News Sheet. These were all borrowed from the library at the BDAA - thanks there. So if you want the skinny on what various folk have had to say on horn manure, horn silica, yarrow, chamomile, nettle, oak bark, dandelion, valerian, horsetail and the combined preparations here's what I've found so far.
I'm quite proud of that effort. I hope that you guys will all put in your own experiences and any that you find published. It is hoped that there may be time to add from the USA magazines (eg Applied Biodynamics that Hugh Courtney has sent over) and Biodynamics from Steve Solomon's library. But it takes time and care and I think I need to get out into the garden and start feeding the family one way or another - using all the information that has been gleaned from this reading. There are some real gems in there.