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Post by Mark »

Nick Kollerstrom has collated some results from public documents from Maria Thun and Hartmut Spiess. These can be found at

and at

Thanks to Nick and do have a look.
Posts: 2
Joined: 25 May 2009, 02:47

New Journal

Post by yogazeal »

Hello, My name is Zack, and I live in NZ, where I have started a study of the weather in the BD Calendar. My records are complete only since 1 November 2008, but can grow quickly with input from other parts of the world.
So far I can confirm that, from November through February, we had rain ONLY in Water and Earth Constellations, according to the Biodynamic Calendar. I have hopes to define the tendencies for the rains to fall in the day versus the night, as well.
This info will be useful for three primary reasons:
1. Convincing evidence of the intrinsic value of the Biodynamic Calendar;
2. Determine which periods irrigation might be most effective, to coordinate with the Constellations in which the plants might be 'expecting' rain.
3. Weather forecasting, if we can determine tendencies for day versus night rainfall, to decide when to hold your ourdoor party, or when to cycle instead of drive.
Please visit and comment, even if you do not take the time to determine which Constellation the moon is in. See:
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