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The Doctor is in!

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 17:26
by Mark
If you click here you can see that the Hpathy magazine has organised with VD Kaviraj to answer questions about specific plant problems. Great resource. I hope we will get some feedback that can fill out the materia medica and repertory here.

Don't forget that VDK is coming to teach in the UK in April. You can contact considera to book.

Re: The Doctor is in!

Posted: 05 Dec 2013, 14:34
by Mark
With Kaviraj passing on the folk at asked me to take on the queries from readers. I have done this with some reluctance but you can get to the Plant Doctor column here.
Alan has asked me to take on Kaviraj’s ‘Ask the plant Doctor’ column. I agreed on the condition that I didn’t have to pretend to be like Kaviraj. If you have agricultural questions I will try and move them on and put the questions to the other agrohomeopaths I know, and bounce questions back to you and try and persuade you to experiment and report back. I don’t have the experience and cocksureness of Kavi but I think I can honour his work by being as true to my limits and knowledge as he was. If you want a collegiate discussion and don’t expect immediate confident answers, I will take this on and hope it will meet with Kaviraj’s approval. I hope he doesn’t mind if I bring in biodynamics because that’s my way of looking at the world. I like to think that this can complement Hahnemann’s discipline.

Re: The Doctor is in!

Posted: 08 Dec 2022, 04:13
by kumaravel20kk
Hi sir,

i need some advice about my poor orange tree! orange drop made with hydroponic farming suddenly by splitting after heavy rains.before the rain there is extreme summer days temp about 45 degree to 46 degree
also about fruit scab distorted as seen in image(orange split 005)

Re: The Doctor is in!

Posted: 08 Dec 2022, 12:47
by Mark

Unless hydroponics has become much more sophisticated since I last had a look we may be dealing with incompatible disciplines. Organic and biodynamic farming arose out of so-called humus farmers at the start of the last century and this is not something that hydroponics seeks to develop I think?

Be that as it may, you could try Sabine Kruemmer) who offers to look at photos of the issue and suggest the best remedy. Otherwise there is the materia medica here into which I would put 'scab' in the search box.

Please do let us know if you find a successful approach.