Late blight enquiry

For results, experiences and thoughts on preparations - biodynamic or other.
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Late blight enquiry

Post by Mark »

I had an enquiry through the 'Contact' page. If anyone has anything to add please let me know and I pass it on.
We're dealing with a unbelievably wet summer in Maine, USA and have had the resultant disease issues. The most problematic is late blight. As an organic grower I do not have very many viable options to fight this disease, only copper, which itself is not the healthiest thing for humans nor for the soil/plants I suspect. I have ordered "Homeopathy for Farm and Garden", but would love to know if anyone in contact with this site/organization has successfully treated this disease with homeopathy or other such approaches. Thank You, Jeff

Hi Jeff
I have posted this to the forum to see if there is any response. One thing to do is put 'blight' into the search box of I have just done this and come up with:

All-c. Allium Cepa
Ferr. Ferrum Metallicum
Ferr-p. Ferrum Phosphoricum
Mang. Manganum
Nat-m. Natrum Muriaticum
Phos. Phosphorus
Sulph. Sulphur
Sat Satureia Hortensis
SimHys Hyssop
BiP - M2 Biplantol mykos II
BD501 501

There is a man in Ireland who has had a good year with a preparation suggested by Enzo Nastati with the sporangi stage of equisetum. Usually the BD folk use the mature form but Enzo was interested in using another form and the man in Ireland tried it and got flowers on his potatoes for the first time! I will try and get that on the site if I can get permission. It means an exchange of letters so don't hold your breath. He's not on email.
