Plants and research with potencies

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Plants and research with potencies

Post by Mark »

Plants: a unique model for research on high diluted substances

Tatiana Vladimirovna Novosadyuk

Introduction: High efficiency and low cost of homeopathic drugs, lack of side effects and accumulation of
toxins in animal farming products made homeopathy one of the priority developments in veterinary medicine.
However, opponents of homeopathy have intensified their activity in the recent years. The attacks of the
opponents of homeopathy, with their unfounded claims that it is totally explained by the placebo effect, can
largely be explained by complexity of understanding the mechanism of action of these remedies which does
not fit into the established concepts the effect of drugs on the body. That is why further study of homeopathic
phenomenon is especially important in these days. In order to disproof the opinion that homeopathic
phenomenon is explained by placebo effect, we have been studying the effect homeopathic remedies on
vegetable growth and ripening. This choice was based on the hope that the opponents of homeopathy would
not be able to accuse plants of self-suggestion under the effect of potentiated remedies. There are many
publications about application of homeopathic remedies on plants. For example, in this direction such
researchers as Stephan Baumgartner, Carneiro SMTPG, Rossi F, Carvalho LM, Bonato CM, Betti L,
Lazzarato L V. Majewsky, and other researchers worked.