just want to say hi and also that I will be doing some trials this season [still snow on the ground], but we have started seeded in the green house.
I will be potentising homepathic remedies ala bd, Schauberger, Pfeiffer, Albrecht und sstorch. I will be potentising via a Schatz Inversion Mixer. Most likely I will be doing the trials with wheat grass since I will be juicing and drinking the stuff.
Peace In our Time...sstorch
Just an intorduction
I'm a ‘biodynamic’ hobby gardener in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. We have a rather small garden, 650 square meters.
I'm using the bd-preparations 500 (P), 501, 507, barrel compost, the 3Kings-preparation and the compost preparations for 6 years now. The only prep I made myself is the 3Kings-prep, because I can’t get it in Belgium, The Netherlands or France.
Most of the preps I get from Dr. Von Wistinghausen in Germany (The ‘dried’ compostpreps), the Bioadynamic association in the Netherlands (‘wet’ preps) or the BD-association of the French speaking part of Belgium (‘wet’ preps) because there isn’t a Dutch speaking BD-association in Belgium.
I don't have any experience using or making the homeopathic remedies, just willing to learn or to help where I can.
I'm a ‘biodynamic’ hobby gardener in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. We have a rather small garden, 650 square meters.
I'm using the bd-preparations 500 (P), 501, 507, barrel compost, the 3Kings-preparation and the compost preparations for 6 years now. The only prep I made myself is the 3Kings-prep, because I can’t get it in Belgium, The Netherlands or France.
Most of the preps I get from Dr. Von Wistinghausen in Germany (The ‘dried’ compostpreps), the Bioadynamic association in the Netherlands (‘wet’ preps) or the BD-association of the French speaking part of Belgium (‘wet’ preps) because there isn’t a Dutch speaking BD-association in Belgium.
I don't have any experience using or making the homeopathic remedies, just willing to learn or to help where I can.