Reflections on biodynamics

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Reflections on biodynamics

Post by Cuttings »

By Andreanna

Today learning about Biodynamics was absolutely fascinating to me. The name made it sound like it would lean towards left brain inclinations of logic and sterile scientific facts. It also seemed to be something that was pretty effective and radical. Imagine my stokedness when I learned that it contained elements of magic and mysticism that truly are my passions -the blood of my life force flow. The magic and mystery of nature’s cycles which we have become so divorced from in our “modern” society that connect us to something far greater than ourselves- universally intertwined. This is the union Biodynamics sings to me.

Paying attention to all the life around me–the broader scope of communication and interaction between all things–is a sacred mirror providing access to my own intuition. This is the knowledge that the whole universe is contained within any thing- be it a seed, a water droplet, a microorganism, a HUMAN such as my Self. To me there is nothing more valuable than being tapped into this natural harmony, part of the circle of life.

Thinking about lunar cycles and all different astrological aspects and applying them to the sacred practice of cultivation of food is much deeper than feeding myself or making a profit. This is a way to bring ritual into my life, a sacred intention. This is entering a holy relationship with the earth, giving thanks for the space and gifts that provide the opportunity to grow- to give birth to energy in a new form that may be harvested and taken back into the body and spirit.

The application of Biodynamics to me is a conscious act of service, passing on the flow of gifts which nature provides back and forth in an endless cycle that is the wheel of life. Purpose, meaning, the ability to share what I have to offer; these are the driving forces in my life’s dance. With Biodynamics I have found a new way to express it, and for this I give thanks.