Mikrobiologische, chemische und physikalische Veränderungen von Abwasserschlämmen durch Zugabe homöopathisch potenzierter Wirkstoffe - Phosphorelimination durch Phosphorus, dargestellt am Belebtschlamm aus der Kläranlage Würzburg
E. Schädlich
Summary The law demands phosphor elimination in the water purification process. The chemical elimination of phosphor is achieved through an engineering process which leads to a salt accumulation blocking not only of the water drainage System but also of the drawing canal with an increase of mud. The former biological phosphor elimination process is not a very stable one and does not reach the minimum requirements. It could be shown by a series of experiences that by analogy with homoeopathy/isopathy when adding an intensified homoeopathic active substance of phosphor phosphor elimination would be below the legal limit of 1mg/l total PO4-P in extensively ventilated activated Sludge of waste water purification plants. Biomass exhibits the strangest reaction when phosphor D 30, resp. D 200 is added.