Physical Homeopathy

Research papers and other publications which do not fit comfortably into the above headings but inform the subject.
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Physical Homeopathy

Post by Mark »

What if we could explain homeopathy? Moving towards a physical theory of homeopathy

Alexander Tournier

The research into the physico-chemical processes underpinning homeopathy has attracted little attention
compared with the evidence coming from clinical research. However, the major criticism of homeopathy over
the years can be summarised briefly as: 'It doesn't work because it cannot work!', due to the implausibility of
high dilutions being clinically effective. This state of affairs underlines the need for a solid physical theory
explaining the mechanism of action of homeopathy. Indeed, it is likely the debate around homeopathy will
continue to rage so long as we do not have a valid theory.

That being said, there are solid theories able to explain much of how homeopathic dilutions work. In this
paper I will present the challenge we face in formulating a physical theory of how homeopathy could work. I
will then summarise some of the theoretical work of the late Dr G. Preparata (1942-2000) and show how we
can formulate a working theory of how homeopathy works based on his ideas of ‘Quantum Coherence
Domains’. This theory comes out of conventional quantum physics and has found experimental validation. I
will present such experiments from conventional research, which tends to confirm the validity of the
Quantum Coherence theory beyond the field of homeopathy and its ability to explain phenomena in physico-
chemical research.