
Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Post by Mark »

Essential oil and antimalarial compounds in plants of Bidens pilosa L. treated with the China homeopathy.

The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth, the essential oil production and the presence of antimalarial compounds in picao plants (Bidens pilosa L.), after applications of 12 homeopathic solutions of China. The experimental procedure was completely randomized with 8 replications and 15 treatments. The treatments were the solutions of China in centesimal scale with 2CH 4CH, 6CH, 8CH, 10CH, 12CH, 14CH, 16CH, 18CH, 20CH, 22CH, 24CH, and the controls: ethanol 70%, ethanol 70% 3CH and distilled water. By the time of application it was prepared the solution with 20 drops of each homeopathy medicine per liter of water and poured 50mL/vase on the growing point of plants and spread over the soil. Data collected were: number of leaves, number of floral chapters, weight of the fresh and dried aerial part and of the roots, weight of dried floral chapters and foliar area. Essential oil was determined after hidrodestilation by Clevenger extractor. Cromatographic analyses were done at Farmacognosia Laboratory of UFMG. Essential oil production response was non linear. In the chromatographic profiles there were observed bands of chlorogenic acid, acetylenes, flavonoids. Bands of chlorogenic acid were present in the samples from 2CH, 4CH, 6CH, 12CH, 22CH, 24CH plots and controls. Characteristic bands of acetylene were present in all treatments. The 2CH and 16CH and the control (distilled water) solutions caused the presence of typical bands of flavonoids.

Key words: Homeopathy, Bidens, antimalarial compounds, essential oil, medicinal plants, antimalarials, oils volatile.