Basil and homeopathy

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Basil and homeopathy

Post by Mark »

Pathogenesis in Ocimum basilicum L. Plants: Homeopathic Experimentation under Randomized Blocks

Patogenesia em Plantas de Ocimum basilicum L.: Experimentação Homeopática em Blocos Casualisados

A. Zopelar Almeida; V.W. Dias Casali; P.R. Cecon.

(Google auto translation of abstract) Agronomic experimentation adopts statistical designs such as randomized blocks, which, through their data, allow controlling the influence on plants, increasing, among others, the precision of pathogenesis tests. The experiment quantified the pathogenesis on the essential oil (EO) of the inflorescences and the fresh matter of the inflorescences (MFI). The controls, A – distilled water, B – 70% ethanol and the homeopathic preparations (30CH) Calcarea carbonica, Sulphur, Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabilis, Phosphorus, Silicea terra, were applied twice/day, for 30 consecutive days, via soil , in the double blind procedure. In relation to control A, the following pathogenesis were statistically significant (0.05%, Duncan test): 1a - the 40% increase in MFI and 140% in EO (interpreted as physiological dilution of EO in MFI) caused by Phosphorus; 2a - the decreases in OE being Sulfur 52.8%, Calcarea carbonica 47.5%, Carbo vegetabilis 27.3%, Silicea terra 20.9%, ethanol 49.9%.

(Original) A experimentação agronômica adota delineamentos estatísticos como os blocos casualisados, que por seus dados permitem controlar a influência sobre as plantas aumentando, dentre outros, a precisão dos testes de patogenesia. O experimento quantificou a patogenesia sobre o óleo essencial (OE) das inflorescências e a matéria fresca das inflorescências (MFI). Os controles, A – água destilada, B – etanol 70% e os preparados homeopáticos (30CH) Calcarea carbonica, Sulphur, Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabilis, Phosphorus, Silicea terra, foram aplicados 2 vezes/dia, durante 30 dias consecutivos, via solo, no procedimento duplo cego. Em relação ao controle A, foram estatisticamente significativas (0,05%, teste Duncan) as seguintes patogenesias: 1a - o aumento 40% na MFI e 140% no OE (interpretado como diluição fisiológica do OE em MFI) causado por Phosphorus; 2a - as diminuições do OE sendo Sulphur 52,8%, Calcarea carbonica 47,5%, Carbo vegetabilis 27,3%, Silicea terra 20,9%, etanol 49,9%.