Albero della Vita Publications available at November 2009

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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Albero della Vita Publications available at November 2009

Post by Mark »

English Titles - see note at end about quality of translations etc.

1) Introduction to the Homeodynamic Method (p 41- β);
2) Nine Meetings about Biodynamic Agriculture: Basic Course (p 121- β);
3) Handbook of Homeodynamic Farming: The Application of the Method in Several Climates and for Various Crops (p 89 - γ);
4) Astronomical Agricultural Calendar: With Indications of the Planetary and Zodiacal Aspects for Planting, Cultivating and Treatments (p 35 Plus 13 Updated Tables Every Year - β)
5) Fertilisation or Bringing Life To The Earth (p 39 - β);
6) Four Aspects of the Agricultural Organism: Indications to Recognize and to Plan an Agricultural Organism and its Requirements (p 55);
7) ----
8) The Influence of the 13 Holy Nights in the Physical, Etheric, Astral and Spiritual (p 35 - γ);
9) Plant Associations on the basis of the Zodiac (p 41 - γ);
10) Cultivation of Cereals Using the Homeodynamic Method (p 24 - γ);
11) Principles of Fruit Growing According to the Homeodynamic Agricultural Method (p 58 - γ);
12) How to Cultivate Medicinal Plants with the Homeodynamic Method (p 52 - γ);
13) How to Cultivate Vines with the Homeodynamic Method (p 23);
14) Garden and Greenhouse Horticulture According to the Homeodynamic Method (p 63 γ).
15) How to Cultivate in Dry Conditions with the Homeodynamic Method (p 64 - γ);
16) How to Understand and Deal with Pests and Diseases: Introduction. (p 41);
17) How to Understand and Deal with Pests and Diseases: Second Part. Meditation (p 53);
18) A Garden Like Paradise: Spiritual Indications for Garden Design (p 98 - γ);
19) Regeneration of Seeds and New Plants with the Homeodynamic Method (p 148 - β);
20) Understanding Animal Husbandry According to the Homeodynamic Method) (p 57);
21) Apiculture and the Evolution of Bees. (p 45 - β);
22) Help for Domestic Animals: Understanding their Instincts, Needs and Development. R Nastati (p 75)
23) The Etheric Cycle of the Earth: Indications for Agricultural Activity in Harmony With the Macrocosmic Forces (p 41 - β);
24) Commentary on Dr Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course (p 500 - α);
25) Agriculture as Spiritualization of the Earth: The Christianisation of Nature (p 27);
26) The 'Diffuser' For Homeodynamic Products to Enhance the Flow of Life From the Cosmos to the Earth (p. 31); (No Longer Available.)

Spiritual-Scientific Studies
27) Spiritual-Science: A Practical Guide to Anthroposophical Terminology. Fabio Montelatici (p 131 - γ);
28) Development of Therapeutic Thought: A Method for the Education of Thought with the aim of Recognizing the Essential Aspect of Perceptions and to Characterize the Healing Process (p. 140);
29) Freedom and Love: A Spiritual-Scientific Approach to the Goals of Humanity (p. 112);
30) Point and Sphere: Individual, Social and Spiritual Aspects in the Relationship Between Microcosm and Macrocosm. (p 18);
31) Meteorology: A Survey of the Past, Present and Future Relationship Between Man and The Macrocosm and the Interaction with the Meteorological Sphere (p 38);
32) From Astrology to Astronomy Within Us: A Route Towards Inner Understanding of the Stellar World (p. 32);
33) Elemental Beings: Their Origin, Influence and Transformation (p 60);
34) Foundations For a Development of Potentisation (p 60 - β);
35) Commentary on the Gospel of St John: Translated from the Greek and with Indications for Their Free Spiritual Comprehension – Various Authors – (In Process Of Publication In Italian.)
36) The Mission Of Michael Between the Divine Sophia and the Christ: A Panoramic Exposition of the Real Being of Michael and his Mission as the Herald of Christ and Bearer of the Cosmic Sophia (In Process Of Publication In Italian.)
37) From the Therapy of Raphael to the Therapy of Michael (p 23);
38) The Mystery of Birth and the Mystery of Death (p 56);
39) ----
40) The Prayers of Christianity: The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and Gloria (p 60 - γ);
41) Learning to Pray: A Road to Dialogue with God (p 51)
42) Mary-Sophia: A Spiritual Scientific Survey of the Influence of Maria in the Earth and in the Cosmos (p 90 - γ);
43) The Rhythm Of The Physical Earth: How to Green the Earth (p 24);
44) Christmas in the Mysteries of Time (p 81);
45) From Easter to St Johns: Steps in the Mystery of Light (p 161);
46) ----
47) True, Beautiful and Good: The Three Moral Ideals of Humanity (p 42 - γ);
48) The Coming of the Antichrist and the Science of the Spirit, in Sacred Writing and in the Prophecies (p 126 - γ);
49) The Chosen People: From the Solar Origin to the Return of the Son of God. Steps in the Christian Mystery of the Church of John (p 163 - γ);
50) ----
51) Indications For Mothers and Children By R. Steiner, With a Commentary by Enzo Nastati (p 28);
52) ---
53) I Am, by the Count St. Germain, with a Commentary by Enzo Nastati (p 112);
54) ---
55) -----
56) -----
57) Life and Death Forces and Their Roles in Nature: an Introduction to the Science of Life, By Enzo Nastati and Fabio Montelatici (p 88);
58) ----
59) The Modern Path of Initiation Through the Books of Form, of Life And of Knowledge (p 44);
60) How to Enter the Book of Form Through the Thoughts of Michael and the Force of Mary (p 27);
61) (In Preparation – More On The Book Of Form)
62) An Interpretation of Fables and Myths: Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Perseus and Parsifal (p 78);
63) Raphael’s Sistine Madonna: A Spiritual-Scientific Study. (In Preparation in Itlian.)
64) Ancient and Modern Paths of Initiation: from Ancient India to the Esoteric Christ (p 82);
65) The Sacraments: Ancient Mysteries and Christian Initiation, By Enzo Nastati And Fabio Montelatici (p 102);
66) The Road Towards Fate: A Spiritual-Scientific Examination of the “Lord Of Rings”, By Fabio Montelatici (p 150);
67) The Redemption of the Sun: an Updated Interpretation of the “Lord Of Rings”, Adapted to the Current Times, by Fabio Montelatici (P30);
68) Spiritual Astronomy: A Spiritual-Scientific Journey from the Milky Way to the Zodiac and from the Planets to the Earth (p 120), by Enzo Nastati, Fabio Montelatici and Achille Minisini†
69) Commentary on Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul (In Preparation)
70) Commentary On “The Course of the Year as a Path of Initiation to Experience the Christ Entity - an Esoteric Examination of the Festivities of the Year” by S. O. Prokofieff, Edited by the Group of Trieste of l’Albero della Vita (p 114); (In Revision – Not Available)
71) Hygiene of the 12 Senses From Infancy to the Third Age, by Livio Casetti (p 198); (In Revision – Not Available)

72) Influence of Colour in Life: With Indications of how to use Colour to Heal the House (p 39);
73) Influence of Form in Life: With Indications for Using Forms to Heal the House (p 36);
74) Spiritual-Scientific Indications for Planning and Construction: An Introduction to Spiritual Architecture (p 71);
75) Course on the Quality of Dwellings: 12 Chapters with Indications to Carry Out an Environmental Analysis of the Ethers, Physical and Sub-Natural Elements and Forces and how to Heal the Room using Forms, Colours and Appropriate Materials (p 315).

76) Cosmic and Earthly Nutrition: In the Four Kingdoms of Nature with Reference to the Theory of Ethers and the Elements (p 24);
77) Quality in Food Preparation: Bread, Wine, Grape-Juice, Tofu, Jams (p 100);
78) Course on Quality in Nutrition: Ten Chapters in Order to Understand the Natural Kingdoms and Foods. The Cosmic and Earthly Nourishment in Man, the Nutrition of the Seven Bodies, the Effect of Temperature, Pots, Materials, Food Preparation (p 306);
79) The Nutrition of the Child in Body, Soul and Spirit, by Enzo Nastati and Fabio Montelatici (p 50).

80) Water File: Water, its Memory, its Revitalisation in the Past and the Present with Particular Reference to the Vitalisor “Aqua Viva” and to the tests Carried out on it by the EUREKA Institute in Relation to Various Types of Water Pipes (p 45).
81) Pollution File : Results Obtained by EUREKA in Purifying Environments from Heavy Metals, Atrazine, Chlorine, Salt, Diesel Oil, and Other Harmful Synthetic Molecules, Rat Removal, Pathogens, Brackish Water, and of the Improvement of Water (p 39 - β);
82) Agricultural File: Some Results from our Associates Using the Homeodynamic Method in Agriculture, Including Recovery of Damage from Frost and Hail, Stimulation of Nodulation in Leguminous, Regeneration Of The Plants, Etc (p 65 - β).


Translation from the Italian is undertaken by a team of English-speaking amateurs who are in the process learning both Italian and spiritual scientific concepts. Therefore the quality of translation can almost certainly improve. To help in this process we invite readers to let us know of blunders and clumsy or obscure passages so that we can make the next print-run better. We have marked our own translation from δ to α:
δ - we have only made a preliminary draft
γ - some ‘polishing’ has been undertaken on the γ draft
β - the translation is formally published
α – external feedback has been incorporated into the β version

---- are titles translated into Italian by l’Albero della Vita but which are already available in English. The others titles are working titles given for guidance only.

All input is welcome via the publisher or directly to the translators:
