Crystallographic control

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Crystallographic control

Post by Mark »

Crystallographic control of homeopathy influence on plant growth and aging

Currently, a large arsenal of stimulants is used for plant growth, mainly gibberellins, amino acids
and mineral salts (“Gibbor-M”, “Ovary”, “Gibberross”, etc.). Growth stimulants increase the plant
immunity against pests. Soaking seedlings in stimulant solutions during rooting and
transplantation promotes stimulation of root formation and increased survival.

Considering the aforesaid, an attempt of use of homeopathic medicine Arnica 3CH for increase in
stability of fragments of bulbs of wild onions at reproduction has been made by division. The
percent of death of plants was 60% less, than in control. Biosubstrata (juice of leaves) have
crystallized under natural conditions by a technique of a classical crystalloscopy. The correctness of
course of processes of crystallization was studied by means of assessment of extent of destruction
of the crystalloscopic facies. [1] This parameter in skilled group remained above a similar indicator
of control groups throughout all experiment. In control group of plants, the maximum destruction
of the facies was registered.

Root crops were used in the present study. Plants were grown in 3 different manners: organic
farming methods, use of homeopathic medicines and the controls were plants grown with
industrial techniques. The results showed significant difference between the groups of carrots,
beets and potatoes grown with different techniques with thesiographic and crystallographic control
[2]. Facies differed considerably relative to number and type of crystals and ratio. The crystalline
structures on the facies of beets grown using homeopathy were very large, occupying a
considerable area of the field. The crystalline structures on the facies of beets grown with organic
methods had an elongated shape, and large amounts were located at the center of the facies. Crystal
structures in beet-roots, grown industrially, have a compact form, with a much smaller size than
that of beets, grown with using homeopathy and organics [3,4]. Conducted studies shown the effect
of homoeopathic influence over root growing after single application by bedding in relation to
control variants of this plants cultivation, which confirms the views on the electromagnetic wave
nature of the homeopathic phenomenon introduced by Russian scientists in 2000 [5].

Therefore, application of the crystallographic method to the study of the study of the effects of
potentized medicines on plants has much potential, requiring systematic studies.

Keywords: Crystallography, plants, homeopathy, growth