Anamnesis and homeopathic repertorization

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Anamnesis and homeopathic repertorization

Post by Mark »

Homeopathic repertorization in vegetables: a case study for the bell pepper culture (Capsicum annuum L, Solanaceae)

Edaciano Leandro Lösch *1; Patrizia Ana Bricarello


: Anamnesis and homeopathic repertorization are essential steps for collecting symptoms and selecting the suitable medicine to cure vegetables presenting pathologies or changes in homeostasis.

Aims: The objective of this study was to carry out observation, anamnesis, and homeopathic repertorization of bell pepper plants and their cultivation environment and select the simillimum medicine for the culture.

The study was performed at the Research and Extension Center in Agroecology of Ressacada Experimental Farm - Center of Agrarian Sciences,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. The selection of symptoms was based on the characteristics of the diseases observed in the plants and modalized by evidenced characteristics in the environment. Symptoms were chosen by the mechanical method without hierarchization and a master symptom, and after their analogy with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Results The choice for Calcarea carbonica and Sulphur drugs was based on the number of covered symptoms and the score obtained during the digital repertorization performed by the software HomeoPro®. The chosen dilution, 30 CH, was based on the miasmatic magnitude presented by the symptoms. Conclusion: The analogy of symptoms found in the agricultural organism with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica presents a promising path for choosing medicine to cure diseases in vegetables. The choice of the appropriate homeopathic medicine for crops must represent the symptomatic totality presented by the plant and by the environment in the homeopathic repertorization.

Keywords: Agricultural Homeopathy; Symptoms in vegetables; Plants

" .... Even though there is a remarkable difference between plants and the human body, homeopathy is just one, and the symptoms that are classified for human beings (or animals) can be adopted for plants [10]. Based on the observation of symptoms and its subsequent analogy with the ones found in the software, it could be possible to arrange the medicines in an order that represents the symptomatic totality of plants and the environment.
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