Research completed: star-mapped constellation boundaries

Considera wants to assist in the research of 'planting by the stars'. Please limit your input to this discipline in this forum.
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Research completed: star-mapped constellation boundaries

Post by michael »

Dear Astrology Friends,

I finally completed my research on the most accurate actual star-mapped constellation boundaries, and I've attached a spreadsheet in PDF format for everyone to look at. My intention is to share my project findings with all. And, if someone can benefit, then I say, "Great!". I've been working on this project for at least the last four years. My Bachelor's degree is in agriculture, and for many years I've wanted to find out "the truth" about planting crops by the moon, similar to the Farmer's Almanac. This lead me to the discourses made by Rudolph Steiner (Germany), and the information that he passed on concerning planting by the moon. Then, around 2010, I found out about the biodynamic farming calendar, put together by Sherry Wildfeuer. She, along with her peers, researched the work that others had already done in regards to the actual constellation boundaries. This work really shifted my whole way of viewing astrology. The other paradigm shift for me came when I acknowledged that she incorporated sidereal calculations into her calendar moon positions instead of tropical calculations.

Once I started using these two amendments with my own personal natal chart [ 1) Progression of the Equinoxes, or sidereal calculations, and 2) actual star-mapped constellation boundaries (instead of the 12 signs x 30 degrees conformities we are all used to)], then I started to see greater accuracy of timings and correlations with transits and progressions in my natal chart. In other words, when I went back to look at major crisis times in my past, I could see more clearly the correlations of the planetary aspects that were occurring at that time with respect to what was happening with me in my life.

For the data that I'm submitting, I have used the dowsing techniques that I have mastered to hone and refine the data to a greater level of accuracy than the data used in Ms. Wildfeuer's biodynamic farming calendar (although my data compares very closely to it!). In my testing, I always use the planet Mars as a testing measurement instrument because it's movement is neither too fast nor too slow. Also, all sidereal work for this project is based upon Lahiri Ayanamsa, which has been determined to be at 24° 09' (approx) during January 2021. Lahiri Ayanamsa has provided me with the most accurate correlations with my own natal chart. Please feel free to research and test the accuracy of the data that I'm presenting using your own natal chart. I will soon be sharing this info on the more reputable astrological forums online. I welcome any questions or clarifications, and I can be reached at Thanks for your consideration!
Constellations abridged.pdf
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Re: Research completed: star-mapped constellation boundaries

Post by Mark »

Interesting work Michael.

We have had a few goes on this over the years. which refers to the borders as used by Brian Keats
  • 22 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Ram.
    52 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Bull.
    88 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Twins.
    118 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Crab.
    138 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Lion.
    172 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Virgin.
    202 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Scales.
    238 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Scorpion.
    268 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Archer.
    298 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Goat.
    322 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Water bearer.
    352 degrees from the vernal point is the start of the Fishes.
Compares with yours ...
  • 28 Aries: 28° 30' 4 Aries April 17 or 18
    53 Aries --> Taurus: 53° 30′ 29 Aries May 13 or 14
    89 Gemini: 89° 30' 5 Gemini June 19 or 20
    120 Cancer: 120° 15′ 6 Cancer July 21 or 22
    140 Cancer --> Leo: 140° 30' 26 Cancer August 11 or 12
    173 Leo --> Virgo: 173° 45′ 29 Leo September 15 or 16
    217 Libra: 217° 45' / Virgo (overlap) 13 Libra October 29 or 30
    238 Scorpio: 238° 30' 4 Scorpio November 19 or 20
    270 Sagittarius: 270° 45' 6 Sagittarius December 21 or 22
    301 Capricorn: 301° 15′ 7 Capricorn January 19 or 20
    326 Aquarius: 326° 15′ 2 Aquarius February 13 or 14
    346 Aquarius (overlap) --> Pisces: 346° 30′ 22 Aquarius March 5 or 6
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Re: Research completed: star-mapped constellation boundaries

Post by michael »

Mark, thanks for taking time to look this over. I already emailed these researched findings to Brian Keats, and he basically dismissed any star-mapped constellation boundaries as being "legit". He prefers to use the 30' x 12 boundaries at this time. I don't blame him, honestly, because they are challenging to manage when using a coded software astrology program. :-)

The very reason for me posting this is because there ARE a handful of people on the planet who are very gifted with dowsing techniques. Dowsing techniques harmonize well with biodynamic farming. Over the years, I have followed the activities of the American Society of Dowsers. Many of the long-standing members have long resumes of the successful well-finding projects that they have done. Some of these gifted people can not only locate successful water veins, but also can tell their clients accurately how many liters of water per minute a particular well will provide.

Oh well, I feel that I'm getting too ego-centered by attempting to defend my research. However, I do always say that the best way to determine the quality and integrity of the work is to test it. It's easy to criticize someone's work. But true respect comes when one is willing to test the work to see if there is merit in it.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2015, 22:20

Re: Research completed: star-mapped constellation boundaries

Post by michael »

Hello all of you Light-filled Alt-Ag folks! My heart is with all of you, as this is a part of my global ag ministry!! Towards the end of March 2023, I will be updating my constellation boundaries file, so that it is even more accurate! Stay tuned for further sharings!
In Light and Love,
Michael Colors
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