Miasmatic Diseases in Plants

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Miasmatic Diseases in Plants

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Miasmatic Diseases in Plants

Radko Tichavski

(Translated by Katja Schütt and Alan Schmukler)
Miasmatic diseases in plants are a little investigated topic within agrohomeopathy. Conventional agriculture considers all diseases as acutes and external to the plant, omitting to explain the constant relapses and resistances of diseases and plagues affecting the plants and the soil. Miasmatic expressions were not often observed in plants before the “green revolution”. Today, half a century after the application of agrotoxicals and continued suppressions there is hardly any plant which does not present destructive signs of a miasm caused by human intervention.

Whereas psora was the predominant miasm before the “green revolution”, nowadays destructive sycotic and syphilitic manifestations are much more prevalent. Suppressive treatment can ultimately deprive mankind of sustenance. The yield of plants has diminished and the costs have increased tremendously due to the high cost of fertilizers and agrotoxicals, which are mainly derived from petroleum.

Agriculturists interested in ecological methods substitute allopathic, agrotoxical products with natural or homeopathically prepared substances. Their ecological utility is nil if they are not applied according to homeopathic principles. Their application can also suppress symptoms if applied allopathically, based on the approach of opposites cure opposites. It is a matter of fact that the “green revolution” has increased the risk for the occurrence of superplagues and endangers the source of sustenance for humans.

Accustomed to the allopathic way of thinking, most organic agriculturists still adhere to the prescription methods of agrotoxical substances: How to remove a certain bug ? Apply a certain remedy in water for a certain number of hectares and you're ready! The bug is viewed as the disease itself, although it should only be considered a symptom of the disease. The different approaches to disease lead to different outcomes, with either resistance or true cure.

Considering the totality of individual symptoms, a bug on a potato will probably need a different homeopathic remedy than a bug on a cucumber. The application of the homeopathic remedy needs to be individualized. One cannot apply something universally for all cases. Each case requires a meticulous repertorization of the plant and soil. The same holds true for the farmer who asks for a homeopathic remedy to modify the pH value of his acid soil. The acidity is only one symptom of the dis-equilibrium. For a homeopathic prescription we need to know more about the cause and symptoms of the disease.

Correcting a problem allopathically, for instance by the application of lime, only removes the problem temporarily. It induces nutritional dis-equilibrium of the entire soil and dependency on subsequent lime applications, finally leading to the vital decline of the soil. The application of homeopathic remedies based on the allopathic approach only solves the problems of plants and soil temporarily and apparently. This procedure provokes suppressions in the plants and soil, and induces a chronic, miasmatic disease.