Steiner and Kolisko

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Steiner and Kolisko

Post by Mark »

Adalbert Count Keyserlingk – Developing Biodynamic Agriculture – reflections on early research (- translation of Erinnerungen an Frühe Forschungsarbeiten – by verlag der Kooperative, Dürnau)

p77-78 of my english edition:

The most wonderful occasion was when Rudolf Steiner came into our classroom, his face alight with joy and said: ‘Now at last we are able to demonstrate the etheric, because of Mrs Kolisko’s work with very small entities, and we can prove to anyone who wants to see that science can be taken further and can find its way out of the dead end of materialism!’ I shall never forget the joy Rudolf Steiner radiated as he said these words.

He then told us that from the beginning of the fifteenth century people has tried to enter more and more deeply into the dead matter of both the macrocosm and the microcosm, though they had no real aim in this. This had led to the division between belief and knowledge, with the spirit banished to the realm of belief and all things physical to that of soulless knowledge. It ultimately caused many people to be torn apart at the very core of their humanity.

Now, however, a beginning had been made to connect things of the spirit - the etheric being the lowest form of the spiritual – again with physical matter. The conscience of the scientist must also be part of the process. We were able to understand this world situation, both from the matter itself, from the method and the goal, and from the sheer joy in Rudolf Steiner’s eyes.

These things were to play a major role in many of our lives, for an event had happened in Mrs Kolisko’s institute. And in Rudolf Steiner we had seen an initiator who had had his suggestions understood and brought to realisation. He had shown a new way at a time when science had grown destructive.....