Rain maker

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Post by anand »

Dear Mark

there has been tremendous change in weather in the last 2 days in the sauhrashtra region,today is the 5 th day since the test began ,there were little rain in rajkot today,some areas in gujrat had reasonably good rainfall
the met deptt had predicted no rains for 4 days beginning 31st july,but the sky condition is absolutely different from what was predicted,the clouds get are getting thicker & the the rainmaker is expecting heavy rains any time,Had a chance to to talk to the rainmaker today,
lets see what is in store for tommorrow,
Let me again state that the met deptt forcasted no rains upto 3 rd,& if it rains reasonable well, then one can atleast infer that their forcast is not very reliable


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Post by anand »

dear mark

It did not rain till the due date ie the 5th.of August,so the Test had to be shut down.could it have been extended considering that there was no other option for the drought hit India?,No the political dignitariies & the media persons made a lot of hue & cry, threatening the Rainmaker,of dire consequences.There were also publications in newspaper of the false claims of the rainmaker.But the Gujrat Farmers Assosciation (Kisan Sangh) requested to continue the Test perhaps realising that they have no other options .The Rainmaker restarted his Test on 9 th & it continues till date.
Since 12th there has been continous cloud over Gujrat,infact over most part of India,Delhi too is experiencing good rain,contrary to the forecasts by the Met.Deptt.& the widespread belief of the ElNino effect.
I am putting up at ghaziabad 20 kms from delhi and enjoying the pleasant
cool weather for the past fortnight.
The Rainmakers Test didnot live upto the expectations & even today His Home District has received less Rains.But it is also true that there is continous cloud over gujrat/India.
Now that the Politicians & media persons have had their say Mohan bhai is back on his mission with the assurance of the Gujrat Farmers Assosciation.At day end if the shortfall in rain is met the Farmers will be happy so will mohanbha's belief in his machine, nature too would rejoice of not letting its secrets.

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Post by anand »

Dear Mark
The Rainmaker stopped the Test on 26/08/2012 ,There were publication in the newspaper it was forecasted that from 29th aug to 5 th of sept2012 the area will receive very heavy rain,the rainmaker will restart his test on 6th or 7 th sept by then the result of forecast will be known to every one,besides since the device was in continous operation since 9 th of aug this would give him a chance to repair/maintain the Machine.


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Re: Rain maker

Post by anand »

Dear Mark
The rain maker is back.The place is again Kutch,nakatrana.He started his test on 6th sept.2013
Today is his 16 th day,The Kisan Sangh(farmers Assosciation)had called him over,since the rainy Season was well past over with no showers
the facts are :
during these 15 days the little rain Kutch area received was more than that it received during the entire monsoons.
Today morning mohan bhai advised that the cloud cover over kutch is complete,and he anticipates a very good shower by evening /or tommorrow.
the terms settled as of now is 5 inches of rain,for which the sangh would be paying a reasonable sum,incase they want the rain to fill the dams in the region that would require min.10 inches,for which the sangh members will have to pay additionally & will have to give their consent.
lets wait for the outcome.

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Re: Rain maker

Post by anand »

the rainmaker started the test again
date 01.07.2014
venue :surat(state- gujrat)
a group of industrialist called the rainmakerto start his test,

forcast of imd
Extended Range Forecast (from 26 June to 15 July)
 Normal to above normal rainfall activity over northeastern States and West Bengal and Sikkim on many days.

 Monsoon revival is likely over many parts of east, adjoining central and north peninsula India from 6th
July onwards when above normal rainfall activity is expected.

West coast is also likely to experience above normal rainfall activity from the beginning of July onwards.

 ***However, rainfall may remain below normal over western parts of the country during the above period
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Re: Rain maker

Post by anand »

Rain maker is still on his mission ,during this long absence he claims to have perfected the art of limiting showers to a particular area say 10 -15 kms.talks are on way to fill 3 dams of his distt rajkot in gujrat.incase the proposer backs off, since money is involved , I have decided to call him over to uttarakhand state and carry the test.
why believe him? Some time back he gave me a device to be immersed in water,the potentised water drasticly improved my incontinence of bladder.my eyesight imroved , even sleeping at 3 am ,woke up at 5 afresh.,without the hangover or tiredness of late night ,but within 10 days i got a call to return it, stating that some energy points needed correction. I am expecting back in a weeks time much improved with power to i.prove my low bp cholestrol and sugar i shall be attaching medical report of my uncle 75 yrs suffering from incontinence ,report on my brothers sugar ;the little experience i had strengthened my belief in the rainmaker. When asked for the basis,he says he too does not know" it is for others to find the logic i have shown the results" Rainmaker says there is no teacher to guide me & draws inspiration from lord krishna who lived for 125 yrs ."swasth" kee urja is the term coined for the device.
I just hope others in the forum to participate, any one wanting to try this charged water can mail me.( the " swaasth or master urja is expected to reach me in a weeks time
for the rain experimnt if the rajkot deal does not materiise i shall have the test to be performed & gift mohan bhai a sum ,as a mark of respect to his innovation

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Re: Rain maker

Post by anand »

Received the improved swasth "device" on 10.11.2015.after much delay.
Effects :1)what surprised me most-My foul smelling ear discharge vanished(today is the 13th day without discharge),earlier every 3-4 days, the ear would secrete a foul discharge ,during the last 40 years.once i took antibiotics the discharge stopped for a while but somehow i was not comfortable,& on stopping the medication the discharge resumed.(2) felt much lighter ,my bodily movements which were slow(inertia) saw marked improvment( i am a chronic low bp patient smoking 2 packets of ciggerettes every day)- to quote the rainmaker "ab teka nahi marna padega" (now will not need the support of hands on standing up).(3)The prostrate did not improve further(that is why i did not give it to my 75 yr old uncle )

Effects on my brother a sugar patient -as with diabetic patients, felt tired,lethargic ,tendency to frequently lie down, bodily pains here & there.after taking the potentised water:- tirednes gone,the bodily pains are no more,feels lighter(like me is overweight),overall feels rejuvinated ,December onwards he would be reducing the medicine intake.
comparing the two devices : the 1st one saw a marked improvmnt in my incontinence & "the fifty shades of grey drive"
tendency to sleep more pronounced ,felt heavy,bodily movments slow.With the the 2nd device:- felt lighter & more active
slight improvment in eye sight,& the ear discharge vanished.
what surprised me most was the rainmakers confidence- "if your brother says no improvment then he would be lying".

Effects on my Mother (92 years)-no noticiable improvment in the gout/arthritis,neither any imrovmnt in her sight (rainmaker says it will take time considering her age )but what is noticiable is the state of "no palpitation" for the past week,she would get these palpitation every now and then.

A relative suffering from low bone density & the doctors advised for hip replacment -(earlier had acne- red pimples,& was taking allopathic medicines having steroids, he became aware only after visiting a homeopathic Doctor (Dr seema petwal -she was called to uk last year to attend classical homeopathic forum.)Her one year treatmnt saw some improvmnt,to the extent that he now feels can avoid the hip replacemnt,but the limp is still there, the pimples have reduced but not vanished ,5 days use of the water saw much improvment in facial acne,shall report the effect on the limp later.

The Rain maker said "that the device he would be sending next would be more perfect & would include the energy points for prostrate ignored in this device.(was supposed to give 2 devices one for my use at my place of posting,at champawat & the other for use of my relatives at dehradun but with time constraints he did not make the other one).

what is the underlying principal,The Rainmaker does not disclose, all he says is its nothing but electricity (perhaps its peizo electricity considering his past occupation of a radio mechanic.But he also talks of energy points that have to be charged.(For my prominent ear discharge he was locating a particlar point between the eyes and the ear.(that the discharge stopped indicates that such points may exist,which he is able to influence .The fact that it is electricity is his insistence to charge the water in a closed plastic jug & drink it in a plastic or glass cup.
These experiences have strenthened my belief that the Rainmaker can bring Rain, The proposed experiment at Rajkot,did not materialise,(i have called him over to uttarakhand to conduct the test perhaps sometime in jan/feb).

What is also of significance to this forum, in time ahead, is his proposed experiment with Agriculture,His Brothers are Farmers engaged in Fertilizer & Pesticide farming method.This year he has decided,not to lease out his land to his kins & would be trying out.

I now await for his further improved 2nd device,.


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Re: Rain maker

Post by Mark »

What is also of significance to this forum, in time ahead, is his proposed experiment with Agriculture,His Brothers are Farmers engaged in Fertilizer & Pesticide farming method.This year he has decided,not to lease out his land to his kins & would be trying out.
That will be most interesting Anand.

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