Blight preparation

For sharing results, experiences and thoughts on preparations - biodynamic or other. These do not include 'peppers'
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Blight preparation

Post by Mark »

When I read the post this Easter weekend I got a feeling that Considera had finally set fruit. The letter came from Ireland where Timothy Martin has been doing some hands-on work with biodynamics. Last year he got a copy of Enzo Nastati’s ‘Commentary on the Agriculture Course’ and he found a discussion (page 231) about Equisetum in meeting 21 about lecture 7:
“We are convinced that the use of the sporangia of horsetail gives a greater chance of success than using the adult plant. Moreover we believe it could be used most effectively as a seed-bath preparation rather than as a spray upon the soil. Probably the most appropriate moment to collect the equisetum is about 9pm, when the most active forces in the etheric body of the Earth are those of water.

To further enhance the action of equisetum we could also make it into a real preparation. As an animal sheath we might consider the hoof of a cow. Indeed, we must take action to counteract the excess of forces that rise from the ground and the hoof is without doubt the part of the animal that is closest to the ground. The cow is also the animal that expresses the most metabolic forces. The hoof could be taken from the back of the animal because those are ones even more related to metabolism. In addition it would be preferable to take the hoof from the left side of the animal as this side is linked to the feminine part - Gabriel.

This hollowed out hoof is stuffed with the sporangia of horsetail, and buried from Christmas to Easter at a depth of 120 cm and in a calcareous soil. Perhaps a more viable alternative might be to prepare a decoction of horsetail in a bottle and fit it in the hoof. The decoction should be prepared for 20 minutes in order to act in metabolic processes.

We could also hypothesise that the decoction could be buried but not in a bovine hoof, but wrapped in hair from a horses tail. The horse’s tail, as well as in name, is reminiscent of the form of the equisetum. Also the forces of the Moon enter the animal through the tail, and the horse is an animal related to Fire (known to oppose Water). At this point, further strengthening of the preparation could be achieved with dynamisation.”
Timothy made the sporangia preparation (and the other ‘hypothetical’ ones, and also the fermented equisetum the way Lily Kolisko recommended in her ‘Agriculture of Tomorrow’.) He made up a pit of Calcareous stone to make the preparation since he did not have that soil naturally. He wrote:
“I sprayed this prep on potatoes after stirring for 20 minutes by hand. I stir all my preps by hand even for a hour. I could never get the flowering process of the potatoes to work its way up to the stem and give me flowers on top. I always got blight and the flowering worked itself out in the lower region too early. After spraying the prep from the hoof the flowering came right up the stem to the top and gave me flowers as if a light had been turned on. I was so happy I would go to the flowers most days and smell them.”
I was happy too. I asked Timothy if he had any of this preparation left over and if it would be OK for us to dynamise it. He has said yes and now it has it’s own spot on the list of public domain preparations (because full instructions are available as per Enzo’s book) on, and it is available for others via

This is the first time the cycle has come so close to being full. If you get some and try it and report back on the your own experiences - then it will be the full cycle. Thanks Timothy and Enzo.