Carbo veg on lettuce seedlings

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Carbo veg on lettuce seedlings

Post by Mark »

Application of homeopathic remedy Carbo vegetabilis and development of plants of lettuce.

[Aplicação do Medicamento Homeopático Carbo vegetabilis e
Desenvolvimento das Mudas de Alface].

Rossi F, Melo PCT, Ambrosano EJ, Guiraao N, Schaminass EA.

The aim of this work was to verify the influence of the application of the homeopathic preparation Carbo vegetabilis, in different dynamizations, on the development of lettuce seedlings in two environments of production, a stress one, under the shade in greenhouse, and a normal one, completely under the sun in a greenhouse. The treatments consisted in Hahnemanian centesimal dynamizations 6CH, 12CH, 30CH, 100CH and 200CH, and two control treatments, alcohol 70%, and an absolute control, in which nothing was applied. There was significance in polynomial regression of the third degree for the changes produced in normal environment, inflection point on the curve corresponding to the maximum value of the analyzed variable of young plants produced in stress conditions. The increment of the dry mass of aerial part of seedlings and amount of young plants developed in the field 15 days after the transplant demonstrated that the 100CH dynamization was responsible for balance of seedlings produced in stress conditions.